A Heavy Sweater's Guide To The Top Hyperhidrosis Antiperspirants - ZeroSweat

A Heavy Sweater's Guide To The Top Hyperhidrosis Antiperspirants

July 15, 2019

A Heavy Sweater's Guide To The Top Hyperhidrosis Antiperspirants

This sweating nonsense has gone on long enough. There’s a good chance you’ve tried Botox, possibly surgery, potions that just contain essential oils, or you just bundle up like most heavy sweaters do when you know you’ll be sweating in front of a crowd.

Which clinical-strength antiperspirant works best for excessive sweating?

We have an idea who we think has the best product on the market, but we like to operate in a fact-based world and would like our customers to do the same. Subjectively claiming that “we have the best thing and you should buy it” isn’t helpful. Having the best thing is.

Here is a roundup of the most popular hyperhidrosis antiperspirants on the market, their specs, and some of the most important factors that would help you decide which product is best for you.

To keep this comparison consistent, we wanted to hold everyone to the same standards and criteria. We are going to use the following:

  • Total price including shipping
  • Contents (8 wipes, 1.2 oz., 1.0 oz. etc.)
  • Active ingredient(s) and their concentration
  • Duration of supply? (8 weeks, 3 months, etc.)
  • Money-back Guarantee: does a company stand behind their products Y/N?
  • Application Method: how is the product applied?
  • Amazon Review Rating: out of 5 stars. 
  • Total # of Reviews on Amazon 

Without further adieu:


Based on our number of happy customers, quality of feedback, and value, it is pretty clear how ZeroSweat has earned it’s alpha status in this antiperspirant category.

Let us know in the comments which products you have tried. Which ones work? Which ones don't? We love community feedback!

If you’re ready to live confidently without fear of people nicknaming you “the swamp sweater”, it might be time to give ZeroSweat a try.